The Stack

What is the Stack?

The Stack is a new Chanic Panic mechanic that enhances gameplay and adds new strategies.

At its core, the Stack is a pile of face-down cards. Each players owns a personal Stack. Cards in the Stack are called Stack Cards, and they retain this classification until they are discarded. Stack Cards have passive as well as active effects. The value of a Stack Card is irrelevant as each Stack Card is worth the same as any other.

Acquiring and Moving Stack Cards

  • Each turn, a player may move 1 card from the hand to the Stack.

  • When the Ally ability is used, the recipient of the card may choose to add it to the Stack.

  • Stack Cards may not be played, nor moved to the hand.

Stack Card Effects

  • At the start of you Point Phase: Gain 1 point for each card in your Stack.

  • When you play a Utility Card: You may attach any number of cards from your Stack to it; Beginning at the end of the turn, that card’s value is increased by 2 for each Stack Card attached to it.

  • When you hold fewer than 2 cards: You may discard 1 card from your Stack: Draw 2 cards.

  • Each Stack Card you own gives you 1 Presence at the start of your turn.

  • When satisfying an ability activation requirement that requires a constant number of discards, you may discard cards from your Stack as well as from your hand when the following conditions are satisfied:

    • The discard is part of an activation requirement.

    • The discard applies to cards from your hand.

    • The number of discards required is constant.

    • No attributes of the discarded card are relevant in the ability.

An effect of a Stack Card may not be activated the same turn it is added to the Stack.


  • When a Stack card is attached to a Utility Card, it is moved from the Stack to the board and placed face-down horizontally underneath the card to which it is attached.

  • A Stack Card may not be moved once attached.

  • When the card to which a Stack Card is attached is destroyed or discarded, so is the Stack Card.

  • When the card to which a Stack Card is returned to the hand, the Stack Card is returned to the Stack.

The Stack Cap

5 Stack Cards; A player may not own more than 5 Stack Cards. This is the sum of the number of cards in the Stack and the number of attached Stack Cards on the board.

Stack Special Abilities

When playing with the Stack, there are a few new special abilities available. See Stack Abilities for more.