

a power or bonus given to a player; it may have one or more effects.


an action; to use Attack Cards one controls to destroy cards controlled by an opponent; a player may not attack until the third turn

Attack Card

usually a Spade; occasionally a Diamond as designated by Abilities

Attack Power

the total Value of all Attack Cards used for an Attack.

Base Value

the number on a card; (Aces count as 1)


a set of cards owned by individual players through which players interact; the place on which Utility Cards are played; comprised of three rows of each type of Utility Cards with the capacity to have three of each


a Resource Card; played on the Discard Pile; it has an effect; When played: if the Base Value is 1-5, Draw 2 cards; if the Base Value is 6-10, Draw 1 card; You may play 1 card with a Value less than or equal to the Value of the Club.

Club Phase

the third part of a player’s Turn; it begins when a Club is played; Points are lost.


a card state; refers to all cards on a player’s Board


The number of Points required to Play a Utility Card; it is equal to the card’s Base Value.


the total Value of all cards Destroyed by an Attack


the stack of face-down cards from which cards are drawn


an action; to choose a type of card


an event; it only occurs for cards on a Board; when a card is destroyed, it is Discarded.


a Utility Card; shields; all Diamonds a player Controls must be Destroyed or Discarded before Hearts that player Controls may be Attacked with full Attack Power.


an event; when a card is placed on the Discard Pile; if a player discards, it is from the Hand unless otherwise specified

Discard Pile

the stack of face-up cards where Destroyed and Discarded cards are placed; the place on which Resource Cards are Played


an action; to move the top card of the Deck to a player’s Hand

Draw Phase

the first part of a player’s Turn; a player Draws 5 cards on the first Turn and 1 card on all other Turns


the steps taken when an Ability is activated or a Club is Played

Effect Component

a part of an Effect; separated by semicolons (;)

Effective Value

the result of Modifiers on a card’s Base Value

Full Board

9 cards; the state in which a player Controls 3 Hearts, 3 Diamonds, and 3 Spades at one time

Full Hand

8 cards; a player may never Hold more than a full hand


a set of cards Owned by individual players which is hidden from other players; the location from which cards are Played


a Utility Card; health; if a player does not Control any Hearts after an Attack with more than 0 Attack Power on the Hearts, that player is eliminated


a card state; refers to all cards in a player’s Hand

Last Club

the Club Played most recently; the Value of the Last Club determines which cards may be Played


an operation that changes the Value or Cost of a card; when a card has more than one modifiers, the higher order operation is applied first; multiplication and division come before addition and subtraction; all results are rounded down


a card state; refers to all cards a player has; encompasses the Hand and the Board (and stack)


an action; to place a Utility Card from the Hand on the Board or to place a Resource Card from the Hand on the Discard Pile

Point Phase

the second part of a player’s Turn; immediately follows the Draw Phase a player starts the phase with 12 Points


the unit of Cost; paid during the Point Phase to play Utility Cards


the order in which Abilities activated simultaneously are Resolved


an action; to complete all the components of an effect

Resource Card

Clubs; Played on the Discard Pile


an action; to show a card from the Hand to another player; while a card is revealed, it is still considered to be in the Hand; when not specified, cards are revealed to all players


the set of all turns of the players in a game

Shield Bypass

a special Attack; Diamonds are ignored and Hearts are Attacked directly, but Attack Power is cut in half; may not be used until the fourth turn


a Utility Card; weapons; Spades Controlled are used to Attack; may not be Played until the third Turn


an action; to choose


the time in which a player takes the most action; a part of a Round; turns advance in a clockwise fashion

Utility Card

Hearts, Diamonds, Spades; Played on the Board


refers to the Base Value when Modifiers are involved; refers to the Effective Value in all other instances